Karen and Dot the dalmatian

Hi Chris
Just wanted to give you an update on how Dot's getting on with your Senior Salmon, Trout & Sweet Potato diet. She's been on 100% your diet for 3 days now... & has changed on to it with no problems at all - she had 5 days on 75% old diet/25% your diet, 5 days 50/50 & 5 days 25/75... then your diet only. She's enjoying your food & poos have remained nice & firm!
Her old diet (Barking Heads Fish n Delish) contained similar ingredients so I thought the change would go OK - but experiences with my sensitive dalmatians has taught me not to assume that dietary changes will go smoothly!!
She took about a week to recover completely from her pancreatitis episode but has had no recurrence of symptoms. Hopefully we can avoid future episodes by being really strict with her fat intake. Due another vet check-up in a couple of weeks... I think he'll be happy with her :-) .
I'm really pleased I came across your Senior Salmon, Trout & Sweet Potato diet. It's got essentially the same % protein & fat content as the prescription low fat gastrointestinal diets that would be recommended for Dot's pancreatitis (which I wouldn't want to feed due to ingredient quality/content) - but contains quality ingredients & also meets Dot's low purine & dietary sensitivity needs! Perfect!
I've attached a photo of Dot enjoying her walk today.
Thanks again for your advice & for your great diet.
Kind regards
Karen & Dot
Purchase senior trout with salmon and sweet potato